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Meteorological Society

of New Zealand

©Michael Martens

Journal – Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate is the annual journal of the Meteorological Society of New Zealand. Any opinions, statements or recommendations expressed in this journal are those of the respective author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Meteorological Society of New Zealand (Inc).

Contributions to Weather and Climate are welcome on any meteorological or climatological subject, but preference will be given to contributions related to New Zealand and/or the Southwest Pacific. Authors are requested to write in a style similar to that followed by Weather and Climate. Papers received for publication will normally be submitted to two reviewers for their comments, but the right of the Editor to accept, reject or request modifications to manuscripts is reserved. Intending contributors should carefully read the information below. Observance of the editorial requirements outlined here will ensure that contributions are considered promptly for publication. Articles for publication should preferably be about 3000 words in length, but short contributions are also welcome.

Member Newsletters

The Quarterly Newsletter provides information about recent weather events with seasonal summaries, selected media clips, and general information about the Society’s business and activities and members’ news and views. 

The latest Journal and Member Newsletter are only viewable by current members of the Meteorological Society of New Zealand when logged into the website. Login is via the link at the top right hand corner of your screen. If you are not a member yet, please see our membership page for further information.

Meteorological Society of New Zealand
105 Hagart Alexander Drive
Mosgiel 9024

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