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Meteorological Society

of New Zealand

©Mark Thompson

MetSoc 2023 Conference wrap-up

Kia ora koutou katoa,

What a remarkable week we just had! A heartfelt thank you to each and every individual who contributed to the success of our annual conference. There were 138 people registered for the event in some form. We ambitiously squeezed in 70 talks (featuring 16 student presenters), along with three keynote addresses, two workshops, a panel discussion, poster sessions, an AGM, and two social functions—all within a span of just three days! I'm still catching my breath (and recovering my voice). Some photos from the event can be viewed on our LinkedIn

The diversity of content was truly enjoyable, and reconnecting with familiar faces while forging new connections added to the richness of the experience. I am grateful for the numerous positive feedback received, particularly noting the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the weather and climate community by first-time attendees. A sincere thank you to everyone who attended and participated, even if only briefly. As we contemplate our conference for next year, I welcome any ideas and suggestions to make it even better.

A special appreciation goes to the conference committee for their dedicated efforts leading up to and during the event, as well as to all the volunteers who assisted with set-up, chairing sessions and judging. It’s a big team effort to make everything come together and we appreciate any help we can get.

Lastly, I want to extend my congratulations to our new Kidson Medal Winner - Luke Harrington, as well as our conference award winners.

Ma te wā, see you next year



  • 2022 Kidson Medal Award: Luke Harrington  - Investigating event-specific drought attribution using self-organizing maps

The international reviewers noted that “This study is one of the earlier event attribution papers to carefully consider the framing and how broad a class of event to analyse….. Overall, this represents a landmark study in the field of climate attribution and provides a strong framework for climate change analyses of short-duration drought events.”

  • Best Lightning Talk: Nic Cullen - What have two decades of continuous meteorological observations from Brewster Glacier revealed about glacier-climate interactions in the Southern Alps?

The judges acknowledged Nic's presentation as a noteworthy and enduring contribution to observational science, modelling, and education. They particularly commended the presentation's dynamic pace, coupled with visually engaging imagery, which enhanced the overall impact and accessibility of the complex subject matter.

  • Best Poster: Hayden Young: Urban flask measurements of CO2 and CO at different site types in Auckland, New Zealand.

The judges highlighted the commendable clarity in both the layout of the research and presentation of results. They also expressed appreciation for the evident policy implications of this work

  • Best Student Talk: Kim de Vantier - Using crowdsourced weather data to analyse hot temperature extremes in Dunedin, New Zealand.

The judging panel commended Kim for her adept incorporation of relevant literature to inform her research methodology. They also acknowledged her enthusiasm for the project and applauded her excellent communication skills in presenting the results. This commendable effort is particularly noteworthy given Kim's status as a graduate student.

  • Best Talk: Mark Schwarz- Diagnostic analysis of the Auckland Anniversary flood of Jan 2023, with a view to its predictability

The judging panel appreciated Mark's ability to break down the event and present technical details in a manner accessible to individuals who may not be experts in radar. His well-communicated summary was notable for its clarity and effectiveness, all achieved without reliance on modelling.

  • Best Talk: Ciaran Doolin - Exploring meteorological thought in 19th century New Zealand through transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute.

The judges found great value in the historical context provided during this presentation, highlighting contribution to the conference's diversity of topics. One judge noted that the talk left them pondering what insights a future figure like Ciaran in 2170 might offer when reflecting upon our current era of science.

Ngā mihi nui,
Nava Fedaeff

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