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Meteorological Society

of New Zealand

©Michael Martens

Information for submissions to Weather and Climate

Contributions to Weather and Climate are welcome on any meteorological or climatological subject, but preference will be given to contributions related to New Zealand and/or the Southwest Pacific. Authors are requested to write in a style similar to that followed by Weather and Climate. Papers received for publication will normally be submitted to two reviewers for their comments, but the right of the Editor to accept, reject or request modifications to manuscripts is reserved. Intending contributors should carefully read the information below. Observance of the editorial requirements outlined here will ensure that contributions are considered promptly for publication. Articles for publication should preferably be about 3000 words in length, but short contributions are also welcome.

1. Manuscripts

Manuscripts should use double spacing, with margins of 3 cm on both the left-hand and right-hand sides of the page. Lines should be numbered. All pages should be portrait layout and numbered. The title page should include:

  • the title
  • a short running title for page headings
  • the initials, name and full address of each author 
  • keywords

An abstract of 100-200 words must be included after the title page. In the body of the paper, please follow the system of headings and sub-headings used in the latest issue of Weather and Climate.

2. Illustrations

All graphs, diagrams and similar illustrative material must be suitable for reproduction in portrait layout without being retouched or redrawn. Check that all lettering will still be legible after the figure is reduced to fit the portrait layout page. Colour illustrations may be used at the editor’s discretion but may incur a special charge. There should be a caption providing explanation for each illustration, and each illustration must be numbered and referred to in the text. Electronic versions can be read in most formats but PNG (.png) TIFF (.tif) or JPEG (jpg) are preferred. A maximum number of 15 illustrations per submission is preferred

3. Tables

Tables should be typed following the format used in the latest issue of Weather and Climate. They should be numbered and captioned, as for illustrations. Units should be given in the column headings or the caption.

4. Footnotes

Avoid using footnotes if possible.

5. References

The Harvard referencing style should be used in submissions. Please refer to University of Auckland Guide to Havard Referencing Style for examples. The full reference should be given in a list in alphabetical order at the end of the paper.

6. Publication ethics and malpractice

Please see this information for details of the publication ethics and malpractice guidelines that are followed by Weather and Climate.

7. Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted via Scholastica in an electronic format. A cover page should include contact details (including telephone, address, and email address) for the author to whom correspondence should be addressed. There are no page charges. Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that they have not been published nor are in the process of being published elsewhere; that all authors and any relevant authorities have approved publication; and that if the paper is accepted for publication, exclusive copyright is assigned to the Meteorological Society of New Zealand (Inc).

Submit via Scholastica

Meteorological Society of New Zealand
105 Hagart Alexander Drive
Mosgiel 9024

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