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Meteorological Society

of New Zealand

Annual Conference 2024

The Meteorological Society of New Zealand’s annual conference will be held at the University of Auckland Main Library (109-B10), from 18-20th November. The conference will feature a welcome function on Monday 18th at Old Government House and social dinner on the evening of Tuesday 19th (venue TBC).

From Data to Decisions: Science for Climate Resilience

This year, a special session will focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation. We are seeking abstracts that highlight the application of meteorology and climate science in enhancing resilience in the face of a changing climate. Practitioners outside of the usual MetSoc community (consultants, council staff, community leaders, etc.) are especially encouraged to submit. We look forward to creating a programme that captures a wide variety of perspectives.

In addition to the special session, MetSoc invites contributions on any topic associated with meteorology and climate.  These include (but are not limited to): the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere and oceans; synoptic and operational meteorology; ocean-atmosphere interactions and physical oceanography; remote sensing; atmospheric chemistry; urban meteorology; aerosol and air pollution; hydrological applications; weather and climate hazards and impacts, climate change; and the history of New Zealand meteorology and oceanography. In particular, we encourage reports on interdisciplinary activities, applied  science and operational experiences and updates on strategic projects and policy as it relates to our fields. 

There will be three presentation options:

  • Poster presentations, with one-minute introduction.
  • Standard oral presentations of 20 minutes duration, including Q&A.
  • Shorter “Lightning Talk” format of 5 minutes duration, plus group Q&A at the end of each group of talks. 
The number of standard oral presentations may be limited. Abstract submission will close 5th August 2024.

Submit Abstract

Student Member Benefits

A strong focus of MetSoc is the support of student members. This year, any student member who wishes to give a Standard (oral) presentation reporting on work undertaken as part of their thesis or dissertation work will have guaranteed acceptance of their talk and qualify for an attendance bursary equivalent to the conference registration fee, social dinner ticket and, in the case of out of town students, a generous subsidy for travel expenses. The travel component of bursaries will be set in consultation with student members later in the year, and paid on presentation of proof of travel expenses. Students can apply for a grant via the abstract submission form. 

Students from developing countries are invited to apply for a new incoming student conference attendance grant. 

Details of both grants are available on the MetSoc website: 

Student Grants

Conference Excursion

There will be a social day excursion to Rangitoto Island on Sunday 17 November (the day before the conference). More details will be circulated soon.


Photo: Tasman Lake Lenticular ☁ - a case of being in the right place at the right time!  (September 2020 Ben Noll)

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